Next Meeting: Saturday 24th January, 2015

The date of the next meeting is 24th January 2015 from 1pm until 4pm.

We are in for a rare treat – The distinguished Dutch early guitarist Jelma van Amersfoort will be attending and playing for us.  I understand that a guittar duet with Rob is a strong possiblity.  It’s also possible that a singer will be attending and performing 19th century works with early guitar accompaniment.  More details when this is firmed up.

The venue is Chris Elmes’s place – 1F1, 25 Haddington Place, EH7 4AF (the left side of Leith Walk between Annandale St and MacDonald Rd). Parking is unrestricted off Leith Walk on weekends; MacDonald Rd or Hopetoun Cres is the best area.

There will be a charge of £1 a head for the use of the venue.

Looking forward to seeing you then!

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