Autumn Meeting – 22nd October, 1.30pm

Our autumn meeting will be on the 22nd October, and we are excited that Sara Salloum will be joining us to give a talk and recital on her research on the Margaret Board lute book!
If you are planning to attend, please register on the private eventbrite page so we have an idea of numbers, and if you have not attended our players meeting before, please make yourself known in advance by email.
22nd October Meeting
1pm-1.30pm – Arrive
1.30pm – Our regular meeting, members are invited to perform the music they have been working on and to present on topics of interest. Depending on the numbers present about 3 pieces per performer would be ideal. £1 donation for the venue.
3pm – Tea, Coffee, and Cake. A chance to socialise before the lecture recital.
3.30pm – Sara Salloum, The Margaret Board Lute book
Sara Salloum is a musicologist and Renaissance lutenist currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Durham. Her research is a practice-oriented project which focuses on the Margaret Board Lute Book; a manuscript copied by a young Englishwoman who was was taking lessons in lute playing in the early seventeenth century. Sara will perform a recital of some of the lesser-heard pieces from this fascinating manuscript, preceded by a short introductory talk where Sara will share some of the new archival discoveries she was able to uncover about Miss Margaret Board and her family.