Details of forthcoming meetings can be found here.
SLEGS Summer Meeting, 9th July
1pm-1.30pm – Arrive
1.30pm – Our regular meeting, members are invited to perform the music they have been working on and to present on topics of interest. Depending on the numbers present about 3 pieces per performer would be ideal. £1 donation for venue.
3pm – Tea, Coffee, and Cake. A chance to socialise before the lecture recital.
3.30pm – Eric Thomas – Dalza’s Dictionary of Dance Eric Thomas will discuss Joan Ambrosio Dalza’s Libro Quarto, showing how Dalza presents a dictionary of dance from early cinquecento Venice, and the influence this had on dances found in the Capirola manuscript. All proceeds from this lecture recital will go towards SLEGS and the expenses of forthcoming guest speakers.