2nd Meeting – 7 January, 2012

An excellent meeting, with some good performances, and lots of talking!

Rob MacKillop started the proceedings with Belle Heureuse from the Balcarres ms, followed by the song version by Lully, with Rob on baroque lute, Gordon Ferries on baroque guitar, and Elly Smith on the vocal part. It was interesting to hear the solo lute version next to the song version. Elly sang beautifully.

Finally, Rob performed Lute Study #1 by Karlin Love, printed in the current tab supplement from The Lute Society, which was influenced by the contemplative spirit of the French baroque luthistes, and was well received by the audience.

Bill Samson played a Prelude and Allemande by Mezangeau. This was Bill’s best performance yet, and his self-made 10c lute sounded mature and rounded. The Prelude was very impressive.

Graham Wylie gave a fascinating introduction to some music by Kellner. We were reminded how radical Kellner’s music could be compared to other German music of the period.

Gordon Ferries wowed everyone again with his exemplary performances on baroque guitar, this time some pieces by Corbetta. Very stylish playing, managing to be both rhythmic and melodic at the same time – a perfect marriage.

The meeting was well attended, with two more bodies than last time. It was nice to hear the spoken introductions placing the music in context, and highlighting some technical or musical features. The next one will be in roughly three months’ time. Watch this space.


  1. David Bateman says:

    Thanks, Rob, and good luck with what sounds like an exciting new venture.
    David Bateman

  2. Bill Samson says:

    A great afternoon. It’s good to get together with kindred spirits, to see their instruments and to hear live music in the intimate surroundings that would have been the norm when the music was first played.

    As I remarked at the time – ‘Why no renaissance lutes?”

    Thanks, once more, to Rob for organising this and to Elly for welcoming us to St Cecilia’s Hall.

  3. David Bateman says:

    I’d have been there if I’d known it was on. Should I have known? Was I emailed in advance? I thought I had signed up for this. I have been having a little trouble with my computer recently.
    David Bateman

    1. Hi David,
      Sorry you missed it. You signed up for new posts to be sent to you via email, not an advanced warning system. The meetings are tri-monthly, and will be mentioned at the end of the current post and the About page as soon as it has been agreed with the venue. On reflection, this is not a good system, so I will make a new post ‘Next Meeting Date’ whenever that is decided. You should then get that in your email.

      Once again, Sorry you missed this one.

      1. David Bateman says:

        Thanks, Rob, and good luck with sounds like an exciting new venture.
        David Bateman

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